Net Asset Value (NAV) is the most frequently used term in association with mutual funds. Mutual fund is a financial asset and a best investment option. Mutual fund collects amount from numerous investors, pools the amount and invest in shares on behalf of the individual contributors at a nominal fee. The investors are allotted units in proportion to their investment. The gains and losses are shared among the individual investors on equal basis in proportion to individual investment. The value of this unit at any particular time is mentioned as the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the scheme.
Net Asset Value (NAV) is calculated as shown below:
(The sum total of the market value of all the shares held in the portfolio including cash-less the liabilities) / Total number of units outstanding.
Thus, NAV of a mutual fund unit represents nothing but the 'book value'. Changes in the value of NAV gives the clear picture of the performance of fund.
All mutual funds are required to publish the NAV of each scheme at every business day as per SEBU Guidelines.
To know the Net Asset Value (NAV) of your fund please read the article Know the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Your Mutual Fund.
The article Net Asset Value (NAV) of a MF Scheme and Its Calculation describes the differences between the market value of equity and NAV of mutual fund scheme.
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Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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